Yuri Rodrigo dos Santos

Full Stack Developer

Email: [email protected] | São José - SC, Brazil | Linkedin | Github

Technicals Skills

Proficient with: NodeJS, Typescript, Knex, Angular, ReactJS, Material, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Shell Scripting, Websocket, Linux(Ubuntu and CentOS), Windows Server, Puppeteer(JS), Apache(httpd), PHP(7+), RESTFul API architecture, Jest, Cypress, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Jenkins, Drone.io, Bitbucket Pipelines, AWS, Docker, HTML5, CSS3

Familiar With: Vue, C++, Python, Power Shell, GraphQL, NextJS, Firebase, MongoDb.

Soft Skills

Teamwork, Bilingual(Portuguese & English), Patience, Problem Solving, Flexibility, Time Management, Proactive.

Full Stack Developer | oct - 2021 ~ Present | Santa Luzia Labs.

  • Single Page Application Development based on Angular, Material and Webpack.
  • NodeJS CI/CD routines configuration.
  • Wordpress themes and plugins development.
  • Linux and Windows server administration.

Full Stack Developer | jul - 2018 ~ may - 2022 | Todobit

  • Single Page Applications using Angular and Material.
  • Back End applications using Puppeteer and NodeJS.
  • CI/CD routines using AWS and Jenkins.
  • Linux servers Administration (Ubuntu) and Python scripting.
  • Defining and project patterns and guidelines for developers.
  • Test Automation with cypress and selenium.

Freelancer | dec - 2019 ~ Present

  • Single Page Applications using Angular, Material, React, Node, Express, Knex, MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Linux Server Administration


Computer Science2017 ~ 2020 Universidade do Vale do Itajaí(UNIVALI)

Information's Systems2014 ~ 2017 Universidade do Sul de Catarina(UNISUL)


EF SET English Certificate 73/100 (C2 Proficient)ago - 2022 EF Standard English Test (EF SET)